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Cataloxy Mansfield...Companies in MansfieldLeisure & TourismLeisure, culture and entertainmentLeisure and sports centresTroy Dorsey's Karate-Fitns.

Troy Dorsey's Karate-Fitns.

Adult and Youth Karate. Instilling values of discipline, self-control, and respect. Instructed by 8x World Champion, Troy Dorsey. Located in Mansfield, Texas.

Personal Trainers-Fitness The Manager of Troy Dorsey's Karate-Fitns. is Troy Dorsey Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) 1980 Named Top Amateur kick-boxer of the year ? 1982 Sets the world record for quickest knockout in kickboxing history, 9 seconds in 1st round ? 1985 Becomes the only person to ever win two World Titles at the WAKO World Championships in London England, one in point fighting and one in full contact fighting.
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Fitness centres

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Troy Dorsey's Karate-Fitns. in Mansfield you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 115 N Main St
76063, Mansfield, Texas

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Category of Troy Dorsey's Karate-Fitns.:


kids cardio kickboxing, adults martial arts, kids martial arts, adult martial arts training, adults cardio kickboxing, adult martial arts, adult martial arts classes, texas, kickboxing training
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