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Mary Lillard Elem. School


Mansfield Independent School District is a premiere school district located in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. The district encompasses more than 94 square miles serving students in the city of Mansfield and sections of several surrounding areas.

Schools-Universities & Colleges Academic The Owner of Mary Lillard Elem. School is Rita Ashely Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : View a cancer color chart. (Not every cancer has a specific color designation, so multicolor or lavender can be worn to recognize those cancers. )
The Colors for Caring initiative was implemented by Superintendent Dr. Jim Vaszauskas in 2015 after the support he received during his bout with thymoma cancer. Mansfield Independent School District is one of the fastest growing school districts in the state of Texas. The district boundaries encompass sections of Mansfield, Arlington, Grand Prairie, Rendon, and other areas, which add up to 94. 5 square miles of Tarrant and Johnson Counties
Buses-School Transportation Service The Manager of Mansfield Independent School is Charles Stone

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Mary Lillard Elem. School in Mansfield you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 1050 Magnolia St
76063, Mansfield, Texas

More 2 addresses of the company in city Mansfield on the map

Mary Lillard Elem. School address

1050 Magnolia St, Mansfield, TX 76063
Phone: (817) 299-6900

Mary Lillard Elem. School address

1910 N Main St
Phone: (817)299-6300
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Mary Lillard Elem. School address

1301 N Day Miar Rd
Phone: (817)299-6300
add. contacts: facebook twitter youtube cataloxy

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misd, mansfield isd, mansfield independent school district, mansfield, texas schools, public schools, grand prairie, education, mansfield schools
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